Notice : How we attempt to reduce for spreading COVID – 19.
We really appreciate your supports for us. At the guest house of Kobe Nadeshiko, we do several steps to prevent the COVID – 19 to protect your health and staff’s condition as primary, and also for your relaxing without any concerns at here.
We ask your kind corporation and understanding our attempt to prevent virus.
< During Open hour>
1)We set the alcohol disinfection every bathroom and at lounge.
2)We clean up regularly to use sodium hypochlorite that have highly effect to sterilization for the spot which expected to touch hands in many times a day. (For example, in handrail, door knob, whole of door and light switch.)
3)We limits the number of people who uses at lounge and work space. And open the windows regularly for ventilation.
4)We wear the mask or face shield when we talk with you.
<About your rooms>
1)We accept only four people in each rooms,(Eight beds equipped in one room) maximum two rooms each day.
2)You can eat / drink on your room.
3)If you stay for two or more nights, we’ll clean up your room once a week.
<What Staff Do to Protect Your Health>
1)Every staff live in the guesthouse or live in near from the guesthouse so we commute to work by walk.
2)We refrain by go outside which is not necessary and wearing mask when we go to outside.
3)We check our body temperature and condition before we work.
4)We wash our hands and gargling throat once a hour during work or after talking with guests.
<What we ask when you come>
- When you check in, please understanding to check your body temperature and verify your ID.
2)Basically, there is no staff at front desk. Please let us the time which you arrive before you come. Staff are in our office or in the building so if you any asking for us during stay, please call us which written at front or you can chat with us by line if you add our account. Here is a official line of guest house of Kobe Nadeshikoya. お友だち追加
4)Please use hand sanitizer when you come to the guest house.
5)If you have fever or not feeling well, please refrain to stay. You have not necessary to pay the cancellation fee because of your health condition, if you inform us by the previous day which you reserved at 6 pm.
6)If you feel bad, please tell us immediately.
▼Please ask any question or concern for us before you come by using chat. And also it’s available as a internal line during you stay.
August 1st, 2020
By Guesthouse Kobe Nadeshikoya Owner